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Friday, 6 April 2012

High Ropes Construction

     After decommisioning the old Jacob's Ladder and having prepared an area for a new improved version to be created we set about working on a plan to construct the new activity.

     The plan is to have the ladder constructed between two large trees and suspended above a huge hole, maximising the length and exposure.  The usual set-up has the first pole at waist height and easily accessible but our Jacob's will now sport a rope ladder coming out of the hole.  This will have to be climbed to access the first pole giving a new dimension to the activity.

     Tree's had to be climbed and high belay points set-up so that we could trim the branches with the safety of a top-rope.  A wire was then strung between the two trees, this would be used for winching the ladder up to it's high point.


     Keep a lookout on the Blog to see the finished article.

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